知らなかった。私は彼と彼の服に出会って、最後のコレクションになったフィッティングの時、あなたはJohn Rochaにとって最高のモデルという言葉を貰って、服に対する考えもコレクションに出るということも、服を着るということも全ての考えが変わった。上手くまだ英語が話せなくて、ちゃんと伝えられなかったかも知れないけど、Johnのスタイリストさんに服を着た時彼の心を感じたって言った。その時の彼女の優しい表情からして多分何かしら伝わったと思う。Johnが続けた30年の内のほんの1年だったけど、彼のコレクションの時代と私がモデルで居る時間が重なって本当に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになった。
I had worked a few days,which I have never experienced. I have been so nervous,but I now think it was a splendid time.
What came up to my mind,when sitting on a chair was about John Rocha. I searched about him on the web, and knew he had retired from the collection, and it led me to be shocked.
He had been working for around thirty years and his life was controlled by the schedules of collections, and he says that he will now live for his private life,and this made my heart move.
His show was the first for me to take part in the London collection. When I went to the fitting, I saw John's beautiful black dresses on the white wall and I first felt the dresses are alive. When I wore at the next season, I thought his dresses spirit is inside.That was his last collection,which I didn't know.
During the fitting,the stylist said that I am one of the top models to fit in his clothes. Attending his last show, my thinking of clothes and taking part in collections has slightly changed. I told this to the stylist, though I'm not sure if they understood my English but she smiled kindly so maybe she knew what I was saying. I really appreciate that the time of me being a model, and the generation of his collections has been the same,thought it is only a year.
Thank you very much. I really want to say to him from my heart.